Thursday, May 28, 2009

Old Dogs, New Tricks

There are two reasons you may find it difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. First, the dog is old. It doesn't want to learn new tricks. Or second, the dog doesn't see anything wrong with the old tricks and wants to keep using them.

Carter Wrenn has the breakdown on the political elites who form the Democrat leadership in state government and why they just can't seem to learn any new tricks to stop the cycle of corruption.
A Democratic Congressman, Agriculture Commissioner, Speaker of the House and two legislators have all gone to prison; as a result the surviving Democrats over in the General Assembly have taken to pounding their breasts about how they’re fighting corruption – but, in fact, they haven’t done anything. ...

The reason the Democrats have done nothing – other than posture – is they just can’t see that there is any corruption.

In their eyes junkets to Italy and giving state jobs to the governors’ wife are just two of the natural emoluments of political power;—indulging in a little ‘honest graft’ is a just one of the defacto rights that comes with getting elected and it’s neither unusual or wrong.

For instance, take a look at the Democrats reaction to Senate Republican Leader Phil Berger’s saying he wants to defund Mary Easley’s job.

The very idea sent the Senate Ethic’s Committee into a paroxysm of rage – it promptly told Berger if he even dared to try to eliminate that job he’d better get ready to get hauled up before the tribunal himself – for violating the Ethics Laws.

So here’s the Senate Ethics Committee’s official position: There’s nothing wrong with the governor influence peddling to get his wife a $170,000 job – but if Phil Berger tries to eliminate that job he’s violating State Ethics Law. ...