Friday, March 6, 2009

Reader Mail: Perdue's Cuts Cost Families

At the NCGOP, we often hear from folks in communities across the state about how the decisions of our elected officials affect their daily lives. Glen Stephens of Charlotte wrote in to tell us how a cut poposed by Governor Beverly Perdue to the Community Alternatives Program would affect his son. His message is shared below with his permission.
Under the excuse of "Economic Crisis" or "Budget Crisis," Gov. Perdue continues to take actions that dramatically and hazardously affect the lives of the most fragile of our citizens. After several weeks of trying to get the Governor's office to explain how her budget cuts will affect programs to help the disabled, I finally got a chilling answer. Not only has the governor frozen the Community Alternatives Program for the Mentally Retarded and Developmentally Disabled at last year's number of consumers served, but she has taken back the $6.7 million that had already been released to add new disabled children to the service. The effect of this is that no additional children will be served until the Governor's office determines that this "budget crisis" has abated. This is not the kind of change we asked for!

Learn more about the background of the Governor's proposed cut to the Community Alternatives Program here. Thank you, Glen, for sharing your story.